Saturday, June 27, 2009

AZ Sleuths Book Discussion Group: The Bungalow Mystery

Our AZ Sleuths met today, June 27, at Barnes & Noble to discuss The Bungalow Mystery--both original and revised texts. We also briefly touched on the Girl Detective: False Notes. Our group included myself, Judy, Dede, Gail, Laura, and Arlene.

I think most people preferred the original to the revised though some things in the revised were enjoyed more. Helen wasn't as wishy washy in the revised for instance. We discussed Nancy's bravery traipsing around in the woods especially at night and especially the scene in the cellar of the bungalow when Stumpy Dowd catches Nancy. Scary!

Judy brought a binder she keeps with website printouts, convention information and handouts and the like plus other notes on upcoming conventions.

Dede, Gail, and Judy and The Bungalow Mystery

Judy, Laura, and Arlene Enjoying the Discussion!

Our next meeting we'll be discussion The Mystery at Lilac Inn and doing a show and tell of crafty stuff/etc. in our collections. On an end cap of an aisle we noted that The Secret of the Old Clock was displayed under "In the Media."

If more Sleuths would like to arrange book discussion groups in their areas, let us know! Our next meeting is August 22.


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