APRIL 2009 E-NEWS: E-mail: sleuths@ndsleuths.comIn this E-News & Clues: Sleuth News/Happenings/Book Sales, '09 Convention Reminders, 2010 80th Anniversary Feedback Needed, Nancy Drew News, Mar./Apr. '09 The Sleuth + Half Subscription Rates Available.
SLEUTH NEWS/HAPPENINGS/BOOK SALESSleuth Todd will be on Wheel of Fortune! His air date is July 15, so don't miss it!
Series book collector and children's author Linda Joy Singleton will be putting together a program in June at the Rio Linda Library in the Sacramento area. If you are interested in attending, please contact her at
her website.
I will be speaking about Nancy Drew to a reading council in Phoenix on April 22nd for those you in the area! Also, we'll be having our first meeting of AZ Sleuths at a Barnes & Noble in Chandler on April 25 and will discuss the books and other fun topics! If any of you want to get together to have book discussions, book hunt, etc., contact me and I can help you facilitate meetings with nearby Sleuths!
We have a new style of silhouettes to add to our mix and
our website has been updated to reflect these and more. Check it out!
Many of us have started checking out
Bonanzle. It's an alternative to eBay with free listing! And it's growing nicely. Check it out! I've got a booth under the id: NancyDrewSleuth. I'm also offering all
official Sleuth members 25% off sales from my website: The Sleuth Shop
through April 15. You can e-mail me your orders and send a check/Pay Pal or you can purchase at the website and I will process you a 25% refund.
2009 SLEUTH CONVENTION REMINDERSJust a reminder, about a month until our
May 15 registration deadline for the Nancy Drew Sleuths 2009 convention in Las Vegas! To view information about this year's convention and registration info,
visit our website!If you're planning on attending, e-mail me and give me a heads up! We also have an e-mail list for those planning to attend for updates and changes, so if you want to be on that, let me know.
Anyone wishing to sell/display books, make a presentation, or volunteer to help out at the convention, contact me by May 15!
2010 80TH NANCY DREW CONVENTION FEEDBACKIf you are interested in attending our 2010 convention, we'd like your feedback! Contact me to be placed on our e-mail list and we'll send you a short survey as to your interests in attending the whole week or just the land portion or cruise portion.
Our convention dated will be around the 28th of April to coincide with the date the series debuted in 1930 to give you an idea. More on our 2010 convention in our next E-News!
NANCY DREW NEWSNo Tonner classic Nancy Drew doll after all. Bummer!
No April book releases. And that's no April Fools:) Keep looking for 2010 to be interesting since it's the 80th anniversary!
MAR/APR 2009 THE SLEUTHOur March/April 2009 issue of
The Sleuth will be mailed out on Monday, April 13 so look for your issue shortly! Those of you with subscriptions expiring in the next 2 or 3 issues, have been mailed a resub form. With a special to resubscribe! So, look for that. We're also offering half subscription rates for those of you who want to try us out but not commit to a whole year. Also we have back issues in stock to try.
Visit our website to check
The Sleuth out!