Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nancy Drew 2012 Convention Clues #15

 Sleuth Con I

Here are some of the other girls' and boys' series books shown that will be featured at Sleuth Con I this year! Beverly Gray, Dana Girls, Gail Gardner, Hardy Boys, Judy Bolton, Tom Swift, and X Bar X Boys.

Do you have a favorite girls' or boys' series? Sound off in the comments!



Nancy Lauzon said...

I must admit, I liked Cherry Ames, because she was a nurse. My first 'nurse' book was a Little Golden Book called 'Nurse Nancy'. Guess that influenced my decision to become a nurse later in life!

Lisa K said...

So bummed that I can't go this year! Hope everyone is having fun.


Lisa K said...

So bummed that I can't go this year! Hope everyone is having fun.
