Saturday, March 10, 2012

Nancy Drew 2012 Convention Clues #17

Nancy Drew Blog Contest - Week 2

Open to all who are attending the 2012 Nancy Drew/Sleuth Con Convention out in AZ, comment on this last week's Blog postings from March 10 through March 16 and we'll draw from comments to award some prizes which will be given out at the convention! I'll post the winners on the 17th.

Week 1 Prize Winners:

Old Clock/Old Attic Coin Purse: Janis
Paper Dolls: Nancy
Mini Convention Buttons: Kara

This week's prizes include a set of Nancy Drew paper dolls and 3 mini Nancy Drew convention buttons.


Week 2 winners are Christy-Paper Dolls and Victoria--Buttons.

Remember when commenting--they are on moderation to weed out spammers that visit this Blog, so they will be approved as I see them, so don't repeatedly post your comment if you don't see it appear right away. Thanks!



Leone said...

I'd love to win the paper dolls. They look great.

Kara said...

They're very pretty. I got them for Christmas and I really love them. :)

nancydrewfan said...

We are getting excited about the costume contest! We are coming as Nancy and Hannah!
~ Tori and Karen

Kara said...

I kinda want to add that I'll be getting a second copy. One for keeping and the other to actually use. LOL

Christy said...

Aww, that's such a cute idea! Can't wait to see it! :D