Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nancy Drew 2011 Convention Clues #9

Nancy Drew Hunts Stained Glass Window

Nancy's visit to Charlottesville, VA involves the search for a "Hidden Window" featuring a peacock on a knight's shield in #34 The Hidden Window Mystery. Answering the call from a magazine ad in which a family is searching for the window, she begins her search in Charlottesville.

While the Nancy Drew Sleuths won't necessarily find this particular window when they visit Charlottesville for the Nancy Drew convention, they will certainly follow in Nancy Drew's footsteps.

While you won't find a similar window, you can commission one from a stained-glass artist. Or you might check out some interesting stained glass peacocks I've found in a Google search:

Glass Panel

Tiffany style lamp

Glass Peacock

Glass panel

Artsy Peacock

Gorgeous Window

Framed Glass


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