Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Nancy Drew Hardy Boys Web Con Booklets FS


We have wrapped up our Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Web Con! It was our first one and we plan on doing another one next year. I think it turned out nicely and everyone who attended it online seemed to enjoy it. We had about 35 participants and quite a few people who sent in submissions. If you want to view the entries and comments, you can still join the Blog at anytime--it's archived forever here.

You'll get a nice booklet on the event with some of the submissions if you do join.

Or if you prefer, you may purchase the commemorative booklet featuring some of the submissions put together in the style of The Sleuth which will be sent out late Feb. Deadline to purchase one of these booklets is Feb. 17. Cost: $8.00 including postage for US buyers. If outside the US in Canada add 2.00 additional postage. If overseas add 3.00 additional postage. You can send the fee to me at:

Jennifer Fisher
P.O. Box 128
Higley, AZ 85142

I take Pay Pal: nancydrewsleuth@aol.com or you can e-mail me to send you a Pay Pal invoice.


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