Up now in our "members only" section of our website - www.ndsleuths.com, at the bottom of the main "news" page is a Sleuth Members Essentials Kit consisting of pdf/doc files for your use with library/book displays, Nancy Drew talks you're giving, promoting your collections to local/national media, giving interviews to the press, book club meetings, and other projects/activities you're involved with.
The files encompass Nancy Drew's history, fun facts, famous quotes, trivia, things we've learned from Nancy, information about our group and our conventions and more! There's also a handy fill-in-the blank press release for your convenience if you want to highlight your collection to the local press and inspire a local collector piece. And a spiffy press release if you have a book club in your area you want to promote to the media. These files are perfect for printing out and hanging up for displays, for reference in giving talks, and there are flyers to print up to hand out to people for joining our group or subscribing to The Sleuth. You can open the files and print or directly save them to your hard drive for printing. The Press releases are Word Files, so you can add to them and customize them as need be.
This year we've had a lot more members involved in these kinds of activities who have been using my 80th press kits, Sleuth flyers, etc.. so I thought it would be a great idea to centralize all this info for you to be able to go and grab it when you need it. Keep me posted if you're using it and what's going on with your display/talk/event/etc. and I may be able to further help you promote it via my contacts with the publishers/licensees and even get products for raffles/giveaways/etc.